Creativity4Better. Human Creativity for Societal Change. Tal Ben-Shahar

Tal Ben-Shahar

Tal Ben-Shahar, The Happiness Professor

Tal Ben-Shahar is an author and lecturer who taught the most popular course at Harvard University on “Positive Psychology,” and the university’s third most popular course on “The Psychology of Leadership” – with a total of more than 1,400 students.

Ben-Shahar consults and lectures around the world to executives in multi-national corporations, the general public, and at-risk populations.
Topics include leadership, ethics, happiness, self-esteem, resilience, goal setting, and mindfulness. His latest book is The Joy of Leadership: How Positive Psychology Can Maximize Your Impact (and Make You Happier) in a Challenging World.

He is also the author of Choose the Life You Want: The Mindful Way to Happiness, Being Happy: You Don’t Have to Be Perfect to Lead a Richer, Happier Life and The New York Times bestseller Happier: Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy and Lasting Fulfillment.

Ben-Shahar is a serial entrepreneur and is the co-founder and chief learning officer of the
The Certificate in Happiness Studies (Happiness Studies Academy), Potentialife, Maytiv and Happier.TV.

An avid sportsman, Ben-Shahar won the U.S. Intercollegiate and Israeli National squash championships. He earned his Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior and B.A. in Philosophy and Psychology from Harvard.

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