Creativity4Better. Human Creativity for Societal Change. SURESH MATHAI - Creativity4Better. Human Creativity for Societal Change.



Check out Suresh Mathai explain in numbers how creativity expands around the world and what are the ingredients for better outcomes.


Innovation and Creativity – what are the similarities and the differentiating points between the two?

Creativity is used more in the context of an idea, usually around a new visible idea in communications, the arts and design. Innovation tends to be associated with implementation, usually around a process, technology or product solution, not always visible. In the end, both are about creating a better outcome!

How can creativity change the world for the better?

I’m sure you’ll get a lot of great responses to this question. Here’s some interesting data from the World Economic Forum.

Creative industries generated 29.5 million jobs, which employ about 1% of the world’s active population. The top three employers are visual arts (6.73 million employees), books (3.67 million) and music (3.98 million).

Creative industries also employ more people than the automotive industry in the United States, Europe and Japan combined.

If you were to define innovation in maximum of 10 words, what would be your definition?

Translating an idea into something that creates value enhancement.

How do you foster creativity and innovation within your organization?

Hire great people. Define desired outcomes. Create an environment where people can be bold and experiment, and not be afraid of failure. And finally reward and recognize innovation and positive outcomes.

How do you balance technology and marketing to make a brand more valuable?

I don’t think it’s a question of balancing technology and marketing. That suggests that they’re at opposite ends of a continuum. Almost all marketing is technology-driven, not least because almost all audiences are technology consumers via the devices and channels they use! Technology is an integral part of marketing and the brand experience.

How does Continuum Global Inc. manage to transcend traditional marketing boundaries in improving brand images?

Not sure I understand this question!