Creativity4Better. Human Creativity for Societal Change. Cecelia Wogan-Silva - Creativity4Better. Human Creativity for Societal Change.

Cecelia Wogan-Silva

Chief Evangelist of Creative Advertising and Purpose-Led Marketing, Google

Cecelia is Google’s Chief Evangelist of Creative Advertising and Purpose-Led Marketing. She pioneered strategies for Fortune 500 brands to experiment with effective, creative video on YouTube and under her leadership Unskippable Labs was launched. She co-authored Agile Creativity and designed the associated hands-on workshops, bringing Silicon Valley innovation culture to Madison Avenue with Google’s first Creative Agency Team. Cecelia has helped build global partnerships among the world’s largest brands and agencies to drive cutting-edge video work. She shares the magic of what Google makes, so that advertisers can effectively make magic on behalf of brands.

Cecelia’s work also encompasses purpose-led marketing strategies for today’s “woke” consumer & brands. She authored “Purpose-Led Advertising: a Modern Marketer’s Guide” and advises purpose-led brands on ad solutions. Cecelia recently received a United Nations Foundation Leadership Award for her work in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals and today she supports Google’s SDG start-up accelerator. She is an avid political activist for human rights and girls empowerment and has served as a Google diversity champion, chairperson for Women@SFO and helped launch “Made with Code”. Cecelia consults with numerous non-profits including Hidden Genius, the MLK Freedom Center and the United Negro College Fund, as well as school districts on diversifying STEM education. She is a founding board member of UC Berkeley’s OWN IT, a national women’s mentorship initiative.

Cecelia graduated Magna Cum Laude from UC Berkeley in Cultural Anthropology. A former singer/actress, she loves improv, high kicks and all kinds of music. She lives in the Oakland Hills with her husband and two (hilarious, musical, brilliant, beautiful, perfect) girls and an Irish Setter named Guapo. She likes making homemade pizza with the family, singing along to the Big Night soundtrack, spinning floury dough all through the house.